Saturday, August 20, 2005

My peace of mind : The Chronicles Begin

Long time since I have posted. And almost everyone I know is calling me a sluggard as I have not yet got down to posting my so called chronicles. Me thinks it’s high time too that I actually posted some happenings from my new life.

Well for the uninitiated, I have joined India's largest construction company and was asked to join at company HQ which is in Chennai on 1st July 2005.

I returned from my whirlwind across the India tour on 27 June (more about it sometime later). One day to pack and I was off on the 29th by the evening train to Chennai. One day prior to leaving for the India Tour, I received a letter from my company saying that I was to report on the 30th by 3 pm. But by this time I already booked my ticket and was scheduled to reach by 9 pm. I talked to the helpful P & OD officials who assured me that it would ok if I reported directly to the hotel on the 30th but that would mean that I would miss the informal introduction session.

So by the time I reached Chennai at 9 pm on the 30th I was both anxious and nervous as to what sort of people I would find when I reach the hotel. The train journey was largely uneventful except for the fact that grandfather of the family with whom I was traveling spilled coffee on me twice and the little kid just wouldn’t sleep without howling for at least an hour. To add to this they put on the overhead fan in the AC compartment, giving me a nice cold (The baby cannot sleep without cool air, they told me)

From the railway station in Chennai to the Hotel, it was an half hour journey in a pre-paid taxi, where I actually paid the fare after I reached the hotel (that too 10 Rs more than bargained for :{)
When I reached the Hotel I was ushered into the lobby and then taken to my room (No. 425). My roomie that already checked in and was probably dining. So I too dumped my baggage and barged into the dining room to indulge in my favorite hobby. Me thinks that they had actually named the dining room with a rummy name, which I didn’t care to remember.

After what was a sumptuous meal (It would always be) I left to go back to my room. The door was opened by my roomie. After the initial introductions were over, he asked me matter-of-factly.

"Smoking or Non smoking?”

After the initial shock somewhat subsided, I responded with a courteous smile and a "NO"

"Hmmm" he said...”Then do you mind if I...”

With a more enthusiastic smile, a half brained creature that I am, replied "Ohh... No problem what so ever".

And in here lies the reason why from that day onwards to date I cough for almost one-sixteenth time of the day. OK OK that was a slight exaggeration. But yours truly is not accustomed to being a passive smoker so I was quite uncomfortable sometimes especially when the "fragrance" used to pervade the room. I distinctly remember spraying half my deodorant bottle all over the room once while he was out. Me thinks he figured this out and started to smoke in my absence. Sensible fellow.

Two things of note in my room were the little refrigerator and the shower cubicle (Well actually everyone had them). Now this little refrigerator was in possession of my chocolates and other foodstuff that had been dumped in my bag by my grandmother. It had two soft drink bottles which were changed every day. Thus my morning pre-breakfast eating would consist of a soft drink and some homemade snacks.(Point to note: pre-breakfast eating :) )

And my daily rituals of bathing were performed in the shower cubicle. Now those who know me are well aware of the fact how an indulgent a bather (does such a word exist?) I am. I refuse to walk out of the bath unless the clock shows an occupancy time of at least half an hour. I believe in the aboriginal belief that bathing cleanses the soul with the body (Do they? I don’t know :D ). Well none the less this particular bath had a shower cubicle, a novelty I am not accustomed to. I have nothing against shower cubicles, its just the fact that their vertical alignment cannot be altered and they eventually end up showering you at err.. inappropriate places. I wasted no time in switching over to a conventional shower and immediately regained my peace of mind.

And thus start the chronicles .....


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Sumo said...

Hey JD.....excellent start to ur chronicles. Kinda inspires me to do the same when I start out on the 29th. Hope I can live upto it. If you can give me the link to ur latest post, then I can put it up on my blog.


At 12:05 PM, Blogger Sumo said...

and dude, plz allow anonymous comments, else others will not be able to post comments without a Blogger login ID.

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Sumo said...

Oh yes, and ur whats up column also needs updating. 13th June's kinda old!!! :-D

At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey..I jus stumbled upon this blog when i tried to find out abt "train crunch"..smthng i jus experience n wanted to kno if i had any co-feel-sharers..n voila..seems lk the whole episode writing..n u weave the words well..n wait..u from my college too..SPCE.. :)


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